MATLAB: How to programmatically get custom MATLAB toolbox version


I have created my own toolbox and packaged it into a .mltbx file. Inside the toolbox, I want to include a function that returns the current version of the toolbox installed on the user's computer. Is there a way to do extract this information programmatically from either the .mltbx file or .prj file?

Best Answer

The version info of your toolbox should really come from the contents of your toolbox source code. Provide a Contents.m file in your toolbox to specify the version of your toolbox. Search the MATLAB document for Contents.m to find out how to specify the version info. There is also a way to auto generate the Contents.m file to provide a function summary of your toolbox. After your toolbox is installed by a user, the user can use ver('toolbox_name') to find out the version and date of your toolbox.
The .mltbx file is a packaged installation file for your toolbox. You could provide the version info (it is best to be the same as what is specified in the Contents.m file) as you pack it. But the user should really get the version info from the provided Contents.m file using the ver() command.