MATLAB: How to print ( ) in mathlab


I am running a matlab code which writes output to an excel file.
I would like to write * each output value inside a parenthesis * . Is there an easy way to do this?
Code I use:
results = zeros(5,10);
for i = 1:10
results(1,i)= avxt(i);
results(2,i)= stdxt(i);
results(3,i)= avxtl(i);
results(4,i)= stdxtl(i);
results(5,i)= afxtPI(i);
xlswrite('output.xlxs', results, 'sheet1', 'A1:H5'

Best Answer

results = zeros(5,10);
results(1,:)= avxt;
etc., etc., ...
You will need a .' to transpose if they're column rather than row vectors, of course.
What sort of precision do you want/need in the spreadsheet? Writing the values as numeric stores the full precision automagically whereas if you convert to string to show the parens you'll have to select some formatting.
Then place the result to a cell array after using sprintf() to output the desired format.
>> sprintf('(%.3f)',pi)
ans =
doc sprintf % for details.
NB you will have to write each element to a cell. cellfun should be useful here
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