MATLAB: Manipulating three dimensional cell arrays

cell arraysmatrix manipulation

I have a three dimensional cell array data as follows;
val(:,:,1) =
[3x4 double]
val(:,:,2) =
[3x4 double]
val(:,:,3) =
[4x4 double]
val(:,:,4) =
[5x4 double]
val(:,:,5) =
[5x4 double]
I need to remove sub-arrays whose rows number below 4. In this case, val(:,:,1) and val(:,:,2) need to be removed. So "data" should be;
val(:,:,1) =
[4x4 double]
val(:,:,2) =
[5x4 double]
val(:,:,3) =
[5x4 double]
How can I perform this editing?

Best Answer

Use cellfun and indexing. This will remove along the third dimension:
out = val(:,:,cellfun('size',val,1)>=4)