MATLAB: How to plot variables..


I want to plot 2 variables against each other, but then I want different variables within my plot…
Example: I am a psych student – I have collected data for peoples response to 8 different images which are categorised in a single matlab variable 'images' with numbers (0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315). The variable is 1 x 32 double.
I have another variable which is the time I collected their response. and another variable for their actual response.
I want to plot time on the x axis and response on the y axis but I want the response for each image type to be plotted separately on this graph… how do I do this??? Please help!

Best Answer

Read about plot. Here you can specify your desired data with specified color and marker. You need to use hold on to have multiple curves on the same graph. YOu can also add legend. Bottom line, read about plot, hold on and legend.
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