MATLAB: How can i draw bicircles with radius R and R’ for ELBP(extented local binary pattern ) and find (g0,g1,g2..g7)R and (g0,g1,g2..g7)R’

elbp feature extraction

I have difficult in understanding about ELBP feature extraction.please help me!how can i draw bicircles with radius R and R' for ELBP(extented local binary pattern ) and find (g0,g1,g2..g7)R and (g0,g1,g2..g7)R' ?

Best Answer

You know the locations.....they are at angles 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315 and 360 degrees.
Angles = [0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360] ; % location in degrees
% In polar coordinates
iwant = [repmat(R,1, length(Angles)); Angles*pi/180]
% In cartesian coordinates
x = R*cos(Angles*pi/180) ;
y = R*cos(Angles*pi/180) ;
Where R is your radius of circle