MATLAB: How to plot the colormap of a 3D data set

3d plotscolormaphistogramMATLABmatrixplot

1st var: age [31,32,33,34,35]
2nd var: years of working [10,15]
3rd var: corresponding yearly income(*10k) [8,8,6,9,9,10,14,17,13,9]
—–edits—->Each combination of age&years corresponds to an income. For example, 31-yr-old person with 10 yrs of working experience earns 80k, 31-yr-old person with 15 yrs of working experience also earns 80k, etc.<—-edits—–
I would like to represent the numbers in the third column with a color scale (smaller=blue –> larger=yellow) looking like a 2D histogram except the third dimension doesn't represent number of occurrence.

Best Answer

income_matrix = reshape(yearly_income, length(years_working), []);
It was not clear what order the data was in in yearly_matrix so you need to check the first line. Is your yearly income arranged so that all of the ages are used in order for each years working entry? Or is it arranged so that all of the years working are used in order for each age? The above code assumes it is the years working are grouped together.