MATLAB: How to plot second graph with second axis with animated line


Hello Friends!
I have created a simulation which generates plots using the animated line function. I already have two lines in one plot, but the problem is, the other
is not really visible because the values are too small compared to the other. Is it possible to create a second animated line in the same plot, but values of the
second line refer to a second y-Axis on the right side of the plot? So then the second line would be clearly visible.
Thanks a lot in advance!

Best Answer

Add the animatedline object after you define the 2nd axis with yyaxis. Then you can set the color of the animated object to the axis color.
Here's a functional demo that animates a line on both the left and right axes
% Create the data
x = linspace(0,10);
y = sin(3*x);
z = sin(3*x).*exp(0.5*x);
% Set up the left axis
yyaxis left
axl = gca(); % handle to left axis
h1 = animatedline('color',axl.YAxis(1).Color); % after yyaxis left; set to axis color.
ylim([-1 1]) % set limits before animation

xlim([1 10]) % set limits before animation
% set up the right axis
yyaxis right
axr = gca(); % handle to right axis
h2 = animatedline('color',axr.YAxis(2).Color); % after yyaxis right; set to axis color.
ylim([-150 150]) % set limits before animation
% Animate
for i = 1:numel(x)
See this answer for more animation options and demos.