MATLAB: How to plot multiple data sets in the same graph for a common range


I have two sets of data for two curves. The first set is
x_Exp = [1.1;1.083;1.08;1.073;1.015;0.993;0.987;0.978;0.974;0.946;0.941;0.897];
y_Exp = [5.504201829;5.639866885;5.610055654;5.789536433;5.694270035;5.525332713;5.634467851;5.540490674;5.585972432;5.111549463;5.129729547;4.542420443];
The second set is
x_Model = [1.11111;1.05263;1;0.952381;0.909091;0.869565];
y_Model = [5.317717952;5.632039396;5.896917576;5.622196354;5.107126594;4.5305684];
How can i plot them in the same graph for a common range?
That means i need to find the the x_Model values which are smaller then x_Exp and then the corresponding y_Model values. It is easy to find the x_Model values that are smaller then x_Exp but how to find the corresponding values? How can i find those values so that i can plot them?

Best Answer

If you want to have the two curves overlap as much as possible, this may work:
x_Shift = min(x_Model) - min(x_Exp);
plot(x_Exp, y_Exp, x_Model-x_Shift, y_Model)
It simply takes the minimum values of the two x-coordinates, and generates a shift value from it. This is then applied in the plot, leaving the original data unchanged.