MATLAB: Problem with the 2D-plot of a function

2d plotfunctionplot

Hello everybody,
i tried to plot a function. In it's final form, the only parameter of this function is "x".
When i try to plot this function, i get an error. Can you guys tell me where the problem is?
So lets say this is my function:
Varg_hat =
(1497527781869391849*x^2*exp(2*(-x*exp(-41/10))^(9/5))*exp(-41/5)*(-x*exp(-41/10))^(8 /5))/720575940379279360 + (232324954970675913*x*exp(2*(-x*exp(-41/10))^(9/5))*exp(-41/10)*log(-x*exp(-41 /10))*(-x*exp(-41/10))^(13/5))/720575940379279360
Now i want to plot this, by calculating this function for x-values from lets say 0 to 350 in 0.1-steps.
How can i do this?
I tried for example:
But then Matlab says:
Error using plot
Data must be numeric, datetime, duration or an array convertible to double.
Thank you for taking time to look over my question.
Sincerly, Ronald Singer

Best Answer

syms x;
Varg_hat = (1497527781869391849*x^2*exp(2*(-x*exp(-41/10))^(9/5))*exp(-41/5)*(-x*exp(-41/10))^(8 /5))/720575940379279360 + (232324954970675913*x*exp(2*(-x*exp(-41/10))^(9/5))*exp(-41/10)*log(-x*exp(-41 /10))*(-x*exp(-41/10))^(13/5))/720575940379279360;
y = double(subs(Varg_hat));
plot(x,real(y),'k', x,imag(y),'r')