MATLAB: How to plot excel data in a polar graph


hello everyone , I have Cartesian values in an excel table and I want to plot them in a polar graph, I have transformed them into polar values and radian. by executing the code I have only the empty graph that appears. Help me please. here is the code I use.
[t,r] = cart2pol(x,y),

Best Answer

Note that deg2rad requires arguments. I am somewhat surprised not providing them did not throw an error.
You do not need to use it anyway. From the cart2pol documentation for theta (link):
  • Angular coordinate, returned as an array. theta is the counterclockwise angle in the x-y plane measured in radians from the positive x-axis. (Emphasis added.)
You did not provide your ‘tabl.xlsx’ file, so we cannot specifically help you with it. Nevertheless, try this:
polarplot(t, r, 'g', 'markers',20);