MATLAB: Hello everyone, I now have a set of data. I would like to ask how to draw these scattered points in polar coordinates with the centroid point as the center.

in polar coordinatesscattered pointswith the centroid point as the center

It is difficult to draw a closed polar coordinate curve.
load data1.mat
hold on
[x y]=data1;
[theta,r] = cart2pol(x,y);
% closing the circle
r(end+1) = r(1);
theta(end+1) = theta(1);
% convert to cartesian
[x,y] = pol2cart(theta,r);
% interpolate with parameter t
t = (1:n)';
v = [x,y];
tt = linspace(1,n,100);
X = interp1(t,v,tt,'pchip');
% plot
hold on

Best Answer

this would be my suggestion :
load data1.mat
load centroids.mat
x=data1(:,1)-centroids(:,1); % centered plot

y=data1(:,2)-centroids(:,2); % centered plot
[theta,r] = cart2pol(x,y);
% closing the circle
r(end+1) = r(1);
theta(end+1) = theta(1);
% sort theta in ascending order
[theta_sorted,ind] = sort(theta);
r_sorted = r(ind);
% remove duplicates before interpolation
[theta_unique,IA,IC] = unique(theta_sorted);
r_unique = r_sorted(IA);
% interpolation on n values to make it nicer
n = 360; % 1 deg resolution
theta_n = linspace(min(theta_unique),max(theta_unique),n);
r_n = interp1(theta_unique,r_unique,theta_n);
% convert to cartesian
[xn,yn] = pol2cart(theta_n,r_n);
%% XY plot
%% polar plot
figure(2),polarplot(theta_n, r_n,'--r')
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