MATLAB: How to plot an integral


I need some help plotting the following:
This is what I have:
syms x
kw = 91371;
CaO= 1.81*10^(-4);
FaO= 0.1233;
K = 1.29;
fun =FaO*((1+K*CaO*(1-x))/(kw*CaO*(1-x)))
fplot(W,[0 1
But nothing comes out on the graph. I want to plot W on the Y-axis and x on the X-axis, between 0 and 1 (because it's a conversion in chemistry).
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Best Answer

But nothing comes out on the graph.
The result of the int function is a constant. At best, you will get a straight line.
I am not certain what you want. You can get it to plot as a function of the upper limit of integration by creating a function from it:
syms x a
kw = 91371;
CaO= 1.81*10^(-4);
FaO= 0.1233;
K = 1.29;
fun = FaO*((1+K*CaO*(1-x))/(kw*CaO*(1-x)));
W(a) = int(fun, x, 0, a);
fplot(W,[0 1])