MATLAB: Merging/Multiplying Functions


Hello, I haven't figured out to find a way to create a new function out of multiplying 2 functions, for example:
fun1 = @(x) sin(x);
fun2 = @(x) cos(x);
*I want to create fun3 out of them so that -*
fun3 = @(x) sin(x)*cos(x)
The reason I'm asking this is that if I define fun3 as-
fun3 = @(x) fun1(x)*fun2(x)
and obviously it doesn't turn into-
fun3=@(x) sin(x)*cos(x)
thus I can't integrate fun3-
integral(fun3,0,5) ~= int(sin(x)*cos(x),x,0,5)
Matlab just says-
Error using *
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Thank you

Best Answer

You need to use element-wise operations here, using the dot (.) operator for element-wise multiplication, (.*).
This works:
fun1 = @(x) sin(x);
fun2 = @(x) cos(x);
fun3 = @(x) fun1(x).*fun2(x);
int_fun3 = integral(fun3, 0, 5)
int_fun3 =
See the documentation on Array vs. Matrix Operations for a full discussion.