MATLAB: How to plot a 3d surface with a matrix

3d plots

M=201×201 matrix of 400201 numbers, each number is a height
how to plot against x and z from x=10 to 30 with 0.1 increment and z from z=1 to 3 with 0.01 increment
3 Axis: x,z,height
M(1,1) will be plotted on x=10 and z= 1
M(1,2)will be plotted on x=10 and z= 1.001
M(1,2)will be plotted on x=10 and z= 1.002
M(2,1) will be plotted on x=10.1 and z= 1

Best Answer

Try this:
v = linspace(-2*pi, 2*pi, 201); % Create Data

[X,Y] = meshgrid(v); % Create Data
M = sin(X) + cos(Y); % Create Data
x = 10:0.1:30;
z = 1:0.01:3;
mesh(x, z, M)
grid on