MATLAB: How to plot 3 line graphs on same graph


I am inexperienced in using Matlab and am trying to plot a graph. The function and what it should look like can be found in the pictures attached.
Difference with the graph attached is that the curve should be mirrored. In other words, for q = 0, c(q) should be Alpha1 and for q = 1, c(q) should be Alpha0.
My attempts so far have not been very successful. Any help would thus be appreciated! Thank you in advance!
I'm using Matlab 9-1

Best Answer

‘In other words, for q = 0, c(q) should be Alpha1 and for q = 1, c(q) should be Alpha0.’
That is not the way the formula for c(q) is written. For q=0, c(q) should be a0, and it is, and for q=1, c(q) should be a1, and it is.
The Code
q = linspace(0, 1);
a0 = 60;
a1 = 25;
c = @(q,b) a0 + (a1 - a0).*(q.^b);
b = [1/3 1 3];
[Q,B] = meshgrid(q,b);
plot(q, c(Q,B))