MATLAB: Trying to code a tricky double summation


So I'm trying to write code that calculates the following:
I have two functions of the same two variables, call them D(x,y) and T(x,y)
I'm trying to write a function that accepts inputs x,y,z and outputs:
So, there are two summations, the outer one takes the sum from i=0 up to min(x,y), and the inner sum takes the summation of terms from k=0 up to x-i
The inner sum isn't as complicated as it looks, it has a (-1)^k at the start and then just multiples the functions D(a,b) and T(a,b)^(z/2) where a and b depend on both where you are in the indexing of your outer summation and inner summation
This is a much harder proram than I have written before, so tips, insights, general advice, and even completed code are welcome!! Thanks for your time

Best Answer

Something like this should work
s = 0;
for i=0:min(x,y)
for k=0:x-1
s = s + (-1)^k * D(2*x-2*k-2*i, 2*y+2-2*i) * T(2*x-2*k-2*i, 2*y+2-2*i)^(z/2)