MATLAB: How to place more than one line onto a Strip Chart from the Dials and Gauges Blockset 1.1.3 (R13SP1)

anddialsgaugesGauges Blocksetlinesmultiplestripchart

I would like to plot multiple values on the same Strip Chart to compare them to one another. It is not clear from the documentation how this can be done.

Best Answer

There are at least two ways to do this, depending on which interface you would like to use.
The first method is used when drawing Simulink block diagrams. To put multiple lines onto the chart, use a MUX block to combine multiple signals into one signal with width > 1. Wire this signal into the Strip Chart block. Then, adjust the properties of the signal by right clicking on the strip chart and selecting the 'Control Displays Properties' menu. The number of tracks can be adjusted in the 'Tracks' tab to allow multiple Y axes on one Strip Chart, and each variable can be assigned to a track in the 'Variables' tab.
The second method is used when controlling the Strip Chart through the command line interface. In this case, the same properties can be used. For example, to configure the control use an initialization similar to:
set(actx, ...
'Variables', 2,...
'VariableID',0,'VariableColor', color1,...
'VariableID',1,'VariableColor', color2);
To update the chart at each timestep, use a command that assigns all channels individually, like:
set(actx,'VariableID',0,'Y',data1, 'VariableID',1,'Y',data2);