MATLAB: How to permute a row vector without using perms(), permute() etc.

permuting a row vector.

I would like to permute a row vector, but without using perms(), permute() and so forth. I was wondering whether the following code answers these requirements. I mean, am I somewhat "cheating" by using randi()? I'd also appreciate any comments on the algorithm in general (although I know the function works well).
function Y = ex(X)
Y = zeros(1,length(X));
for i = 1:length(X)
d = randi(length(X));
Y(i) = X(d);
X(d) = [];

Best Answer

It doesn't violate any requirements that you've mentioned, so I'm inclined to say it's legal. Here's another way, if you don't like randi for some reason
If the permuted order is supposed to be random, I don't think there's any avoiding the use some sort of random number generator.