MATLAB: All possible combinations of vectors of unknown quantity and length

combinationsfor loopMATLAB

let's suppose I want to find all combinations of vectors , so I have as for example in input a matrix
A=[2 5 8 9];
which gives me the length of the vectors (from 1 to specific value, 1D vectors) I should compute combinations, i.e. for this specific case a good choice would be:
in order to have the combination values written in rows.
The problem is: in my code the INPUT MATRIX A can change values and dimension (2nd) and I don't know how to write a code, because even if I organize in cell the vectors and perform a FOR loop, then I don't know how to call back my vectors in combvec function.
thank you whoever could help me facing this.

Best Answer

Generate vectors of consecutive integers to be combined
A = [2 5 8 9];
c = arrayfun(@(n) 1:n, A, 'unif', 0)
Generate combinations
c = flip(c);
[c{:}] = ndgrid(c{:});
c = cellfun(@(x) x(:), flip(c), 'unif', 0);
c = cat(2, c{:});
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