MATLAB: How to overwrite only one dataset without affecting other datasets in an HDF-file using HDF5WRITE in MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b)


I can read in one dataset from a file by specifying the dataset name in the HDF5READ command, but I am not able to overwrite just one of the datasets in the file using HDF5WRITE. The only options as I understand are:
1) Overwrite the whole file
2) append the dataset. But the condition here is that there shouldn't be an existing dataset with the same name.
I wanted to modify only one dataset in an existing HDF5 file without affecting the other datasets.

Best Answer

As of MATLAB 7.13 (R2011a), HDF5WRITE has been deprecated by H5WRITE and H5CREATE.
The new syntax is,
% Create a dataset called "a" in the group "data" in the file "file.h5".
% Make that a one-dimensional dataset with one element
% Write the value, 1000, to the dataset that was just created
% Overwrite the previous value