MATLAB: Error using hdf5lib2

mopitt terra data

we tried to open Mopitt (Terra) data on Carbon Monoxide in Matlab using hdf5.
but we get the following
Error usinghdf5lib2
H5G_traverse_real component not found
H5G_traverse internal path traversal failed
H5G_loc_find can't find object
H5Dopen1 not found
Error in (line 26)
dataset_id = H5ML.hdf5lib2('H5Dopen', varargin{:});
our FILE_NAME is 'MOPO2R-20200818-L2V18.6.1.he5'
DATAFIELD_NAME is '/HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI Column Amount O3/Data Fields/ColumnAmountO3
file_id is, 'H5F_ACC_RDONLY', 'H5P_DEFAULT')
data_id is, DATAFIELD_NAME)
attached is our code.
thank you.

Best Answer

There is no /HDFEOS/GRIDS/OMI Column Amount O3/Data Fields/ColumnAmountO3 in your dataset.
You should use h5info() to examine the dataset,