MATLAB: How to output and name variables generated in ‘for’ loop into workspace.

MATLABnaming for-loop variable sine tone audio num2str workspace output

Wrote a little function to generate random frequency sine tones. I would like each tone generated to be output into the workspace as a variable with name determined by output and input arguments and randomly generated variables (namely, tone freqency). I figured how to put the generated tones into a cell, but that's not what I want; I just want the simple, discrete audio vectors (1 x Nsamples), etc.
Comment lines in the code below explain what I'm trying to achieve a bit further. I KNOW this is a very simple thing, but the solution escapes me, and I'm not sure where to look in the documentation.
Thanks in advance!
function [Signal] = SineWave(Flower, Fupper, Amp, Fs, Time, NumTones)
% Random frequency sine tone generator ...
% Generates a specified number of sine tones at specified length and
% amplitude with random frequency values within specified upper and lower limits.
for i = 1 : NumTones
Frequency = randi([Flower Fupper]);
t = 0:1/Fs:Time;
Signal = Amp * sin(2*pi*Frequency*t);
sound(Signal, Fs)
% Output variables named according to the [Signal] output argument followed by the randomly generated
% frequency value and number (i). For example, for five random sine tones (NumTones), five variables should be outputted named thusly:
% 'Signal250_1' 'Signal440_2' 'Signal1000_3' 'Signal330_4' 'Signal2500_5'

Best Answer

Can you define variables with numbered names like Tone200_1, Tone400_2, etc, ... ? Yes.