MATLAB: How to open / step-in generic function in debug mode

code debugingMATLABOptimization Toolbox

by the phrase generic I mean a function that already exists within Matlab core software, such as finitedifferences that is used within validateFirstDerivatives – a helper function of fmincon (Optimisation toolbox).
The problem is that I need to check how software counts finite differences, and stepping into this function will help. However, when I create a breakpoint at an appropriate line and hit on step in button in debug mode, there is only white arrow indicating that debbuger did step into, but no tab with the function code appears. I can check finitedifferences call stack in debugger, but nothing more.
Is there a way to open such functions?

Best Answer

MATLAB in-built functions comes with different category
1 - P-code (encoded form of function) - Can't be debugged at all.
2 - Mex Code (Compiled code Where in actual code is implemented in C and compiled to create MATLAB executable) - Can't debug without Source Code.
3 - MATLAB open editable functions - Only this functions are open to edit and alter the code as well debug