MATLAB: Problem with quotation marks (‘)

anti-patterndynamically named variablesevalproblem with quotation marks (')

I'm helping a friend of mine do a job in matlab and he's using a piece of code that looks like this:
comando= ['IM_' num2str(i) '_0' num2str(j) '_' num2str(k) '=leimagens(' num2str(i) '_0' num2str(j) '_' num2str(k) '.png); ' ]
is showing an error, I could see that when the code is executed without the eval command, it executes the statement as follows: IM_9_11_3 = leimagens (9_11_3.png); but the correct one would be (the form I need is:) IM_9_11_3 = leimagens ('9_11_3.png'); the doubt is, how to insert the '(quotation marks) in the text? the problem is that when the '' is inserted into the code before the eval command, it is not recognized
Thanks a lot for the help!