MATLAB: How to obtain statistics between rows from columns with similar variable name when using timetable

similar variable namestatisticstimetable

Wondering how to obtain the mean (and number), for each row, from columns with a similar variable name (see below, K000?), when working with a timetable. In my case, I have a 6000 (times) by 10000 (columns) timetable. Here is a small example…
Time K0001_AA K0001_AB K0002_AA K0003_AA K0003_AB
'10-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 23 43 0.9 45 12
'11-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 12 56 3.8 12 1.2
'12-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 76 12 6 1 0.01
'13-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 22 57 14 0.33 1
'14-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 198 34 98 0.34 10
'15-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 34 23 12 45 0.4
As a result of a loop, I would like to end with a timetable that shows the mean of the rows, from similar columns name (K0001, K0003), and the # of columns used to generate this result BUT keeping variables with no similar columns as K0002 in this example.
Time K0001_Mean K0001_Number K0002_Mean K0002_Number K0003_Mean K0003_Number
'10-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 33 2 0.9 1 28.5 2
'11-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 34 2 3.8 1 6.6 2
'12-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 44 2 6 1 0.505 2
'13-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 39.5 2 14 1 0.665 2
'14-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 116 2 98 1 5.17 2
'15-Mar-2002 00:00:00' 28.5 2 12 1 22.7 2

Best Answer

Assuming that your timetable is TT, the following code can generates what you want to obtain.
list = TT.Properties.VariableNames;
for kk = 1:3
str = ['K',num2str(kk,'%04d'),'_'];
idx = contains(list, str);
TTout{:,[str,'_Mean']} = mean(TT{:,idx},2);
TTout{:,[str,'_Number']} = repmat(nnz(idx), [height(TT), 1]);