MATLAB: How to normalize values in a matrix to be between 0 and 1

normalize matrix

I have a matrix Ypred that contain negative values and I want to normalize this matrix between 0 and 1
Ypred=[-0.9630 -1.0107 -1.0774
-1.2075 -1.4164 -1.2135
-1.0237 -1.0082 -1.0714
-1.0191 -1.3686 -1.2105];
I'm new in matlab, please help me, there is a matlab function or toolbox that can do this? thanks

Best Answer

This can be simply done in a two step process
  1. subtract the minimum
  2. divide by the new maximum
normA = A - min(A(:))
normA = normA ./ max(normA(:)) % *
note that A(:) makes A into a long list of values. Otherwise min(A) would not return a single value ... Try fro yourself!
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