MATLAB: How to make an inset plot with log axes


I'm trying to make plots that have insets. I would like for either the main plot, or the inset plot to have log axes.
For some reason, semilogy doesn't seem to work properly with the inset package.

Best Answer

You could build the insert by yourself. Here is an example:
% - Define dummy data.
t = 0 : 0.1 : 10 ;
yModel = sin( t ) .* exp( -0.2*t ) ;
yData = yModel - 0.5 + rand( size( yModel )) ;
% - Create/init figure.
figure(1) ; clf ; hold on ; grid on ;
set( gcf, 'Color', 'White' ) ;
% - Build main plot/axes.
plot( t, yModel, 'b' )
plot( t, yData, 'rx', 'MarkerSize', 5, 'LineWidth', 2 ) ;
ylim( [min(yData), 1.8*max(yData)] ) ; % Create space for insert on top.
xlabel( '\theta [rad]' ) ;
% - Build new insert axes + plot.
axes( 'Position', [0.6,0.65,0.3,0.25] ) ;
yDiff = yData - yModel ;
plot( [t; t], [zeros(size(t)); yDiff], 'm.-', 'MarkerSize', 5 ) ;