MATLAB: How to make a path relative instead of absolute when I deploy the app as a standalone

absolute pathdeploytoolMATLAB Compilerrelative path

I'm using the MATLAB Compiler GUI to manage my project and the deploytool function to generate the .exe. I've noticed that the main file and the "files required for your application to run" are stored with absolute path (unlike all other parameters when I looked at the .prj file with text editor). This leads to an error if someone else gets the project and try to generate the .exe.
Is there a way to make all path relative without having to modify the .prj file with a text editor afterward?

Best Answer

The main file will be expressed as a relative path if the file you select is in the subfolder hierarchy of the PRJ. For example, if the PRJ is at location "<root>/foo.prj", then the main file could be in <root> or any subfolder of root and it will be recorded in the PRJ as a relative path. If the main file cannot be expressed as a path relative to the PRJ in this manner, MATLAB falls back to the absolute path.