MATLAB: Do I receive a “Not a valid project” error when I try to open a deploytool project in MATLAB R2014b

.prjadeploytoolinvalidMATLABMATLAB Compilernotprojectr2014bvalidxml

I have an old deploytool project that was created in an older version of MATLAB. When I try to open the '.prj' file in MATLAB R2014b, I get the following error:
How can I resolve the above error in order to open the deploytool projects created in older versions of MATLAB in MATLAB R2014b?

Best Answer

This is because MATLAB R2014b is unable to read the '.prj' file as the XML structure it expects is different. Please refer to the following table for expected behavior when you try to open deploytool projects in MATLAB R2014b:
To fix the “Not a valid project” error in the MATLAB R2011b, R2011a and R2010b, please edit the '.prj' file which is an XML file using a text editor and replace Line 2 
<deployment-project plugin="plugin.deploytool" plugin-version="1.0">
Save the changes and try to open the project file. This should now prompt the “Upgrading Project File” dialog as shown below:
Please note that after you upgrade the project file, a '.bkp' file is created which can be used to reopen the project in the older version of MATLAB.