MATLAB: How to make a matrix from the cells inside the cell


Hi! I have a cell variable, the size is 4 by 3. The third column of the variable contains cells again. I want to extract the numbers that I have inside every cell of the third column and make a usual double variable. How can I do this?
Example: A = 4×3 cell.
1 1 1×1 cell
1 2 2×1 cell
1 3 5×1 cell
1 4 3×1 cell.
Every cell of the third column has cells with only one number inside. I want to get these numbers out. So in the end I want to have a matrix of 1+2+5+3 rows from the A cell. Is it possible to do it?
Thanks you!

Best Answer

Z = A(:,3);
Wanted = cell2mat(cat(1, Z{:}))