MATLAB: Covert a cell to multidimensional matrix

cell arrayscell2matconvert cell to matrixmatrix

I have a 50 X 1 cell array, A, and each cell contains an m x 100 matrix, where m is variable and not the same for each of the cells. I would like to convert this cell array to a 3D matrix, Anew(M,100,50), where M is the first dimension of the matrix with biggest rows, and pad zero for the small matrices. I tried cell2mat but it concatenated the cell into a 2D matrix ([…],100). I also tried:
for ii=1:50
but I got
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
error. Does anyone know how it can be done?
This is the first 6 cells of A:
A =
[ 44x100 double]
[ 80x100 double]
[103x100 double]
[ 96x100 double]
[ 94x100 double]
[ 92x100 double]

Best Answer

s=arrayfun(@(x) randi(5,randi(5),100),1:5,'un',0)
%---------------the code-------------------------
n=max(cellfun(@(x) size(x,1),s))
a=cellfun(@(x) [zeros(n-size(x,1),m);x],s,'un',0)