MATLAB: How to make a Line in command window not showing?

command windownot appearingtext;

This is my editor script
angle=input('Please insert the angle you want in degree form');
% Converting angle in degree to radian
fprintf('Your angle in radian is %.3f\n ', radian)
this is my command window
Please insert the angle you want in degree form 180
rad =
3.1416 *HOW do i make this disappear just showing the text below*
Your angle in radian is 3.142
PS how to make it into coding text?

Best Answer

The problem is likely in your ‘degreetoradian’ function.
In the line that calculates ‘rad’, you need to be certain that there is a semicolon (;) at the end of that line to suppress that output.
I don’t have your ‘degreetoradian’ function code so I can’t say for sure, but that would be my guess.