MATLAB: How to load multiple paths using ‘loadlibrary’


I am using "loadlibrary" function to load a C++ library in MATLAB, and I have a lot of paths to include for the "includepath" parameter.
Currently, I can only use the following way to include these paths:
>> loadlibrary(..., 'includepath', path1, 'includepath', path2, 'includepath', path3, ...);
The 'includepath' doesn't accept a path array or a wildcard. Is there an easier way to include multiple paths?

Best Answer

"loadlibrary" processes the input parameters individually, so arrays or wildcards will not work.
However, it may be possible to write a small script to process an array of pathnames and generate a "loadlibrary" command string that can be implemented with "eval".
Here's a simple example:
paths = genpath('\path\to\libraries');
pathArr = split(paths, ';');
includeStr = "loadlibrary('yourlib', 'yourlib.m'";
for i = 1:length(pathArr)
    includeStr = strcat(includeStr, ",'includepath','",pathArr(i),"'");
includeStr = strcat(includeStr, ");");
The 'includeStr' should include all the paths we would like to input to 'loadlibrary' function and then, we can simply call it using 'eval'.