MATLAB: How to load data from csv-files with “dot”-structured variable names and convert to struct/table


Importing data is not the biggest problem, however autogenterate variable names from the headers from the csv-file has been a nightmare.
For example, in a csv-file i can have the table like this(note i can't change the structure of the data sorce)
in.sensors.temp.x in.sensors.temp.y
2 3
1 4
Now what i want to do, is to load in the data and create a struct with the same structure as readings header and assign the data to it.
% what i have done so far:
I import the data by using the functionen "importdata". I have tried csvread, xlsread and readtable , but they have either not worked or created corupt data.
After that I get a struct containg data and datatext. The data text is type char characters.
How do I take create a struct by reading a cell containing charcaraters with dots?
I have tried something like this:
in = createStruct(var_name(5), data(:,5))
function temp = createStruct(fullString, data)
fullString = cell2mat(fullString);
dotFind = strfind(fullString,'.');
temp = data;
while ~isempty(dotFind)
%temp = temp.(convertCharsToStrings(fullString(1:dotFind(1)-1)));
%fullString = fullString(dotFind(1)+1:end);
%dotFind = strfind(fullString,'.');
but did not perform very well

Best Answer

Better than evil EVAL is to use more robust SETFIELD and a comma-separated list:
str = 'in.sensors.temp.x';
val = pi;
tmp = regexp(str,'\.','split'); % or SPLIT
S = struct();
S = setfield(S,tmp{:},val)
S = struct with fields:
in: [1×1 struct]
ans = 3.1416
Loop as required. Read more:
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