MATLAB: Variable Depth Struct Field Reference

comma-separated listdynamic inputsMATLABsetfieldstruct

I would like to programmatically reference different struct fields and I traditionally do that with the .() reference.
example_struct.(fieldname(i)) = some_data;
With my current project I would like to perform a similar reference, but the specific struct variable are of different depths. For example if I have the following struct
S.a.b.c = 1;
S.a.b.d = 2;
S.a.b.e = struct('f',[3 4],'g',5);
S.h = 50
I would like to do the equivalent of the following code, but dynamically reference the sub structs.
S.a.b.c = some_val(1);
S.a.b.e.f = some_val(2);
S.h = some_val(3);
I attempted the following code and it does not work.
fields_names = {'a.b.c';'a.b.e.f';'h'};
for i = 1:3
S.(field_names{i}) = some_val(i);
%I also tried
fields = {'a','b','c'};
S = setfield(S,fields,some_val(1));
My question is how do I reference these fields dynamically and adjust their value inside the same loop. I could create the following function, but it is not very robust.
function S = fucntion_name(in_Struct,field_names,depth,value)
switch depth
%Other cases omitted
case 3
S = in_Struct.(field_names(1)).(field_names(2)).(field_names(3)) = value;
Is there another way? Is there a way to pass the values into setfield() similarly to how multiple function varargin inputs can be pass as a single struct input?

Best Answer

You were very close with your setfield call. You need to turn your list of fields into a comma-separated list so that each element of the cell array fields is passed into setfield as a separate input.
fields = {'a','b','c'};
S = setfield(S,fields{:},42) % Call setfield with 5 inputs, the equivalent of
% S = setfield(S, 'a', 'b', 'c', 42)
S_dot_a_dot_b = S.a.b
One easy way to create the cell array fields from the character vector 'a.b.c' is to use split.
fields2 = split('a.b.c', '.')
Don't worry about the orientation of fields2 being different from fields. They will generate the same comma-separated list.