MATLAB: How to know which source files, compiler options, and link options are needed to build the code generated from Real-Time Workshop on a PC that does not have MATLAB

Embedded Codersimulink coder

I have a Simulink model which I have exported to code using the Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder. I need to be able to build this project on a PC that does not have MATLAB. I would like to know which source files, compiler options, and link options are needed. I would also like documented instructions on how to build this project outside of MATLAB.

Best Answer

The ability to generate a file that contains source files, compiler options, and link options is not available in Real-Time Workshop.
For releases prior to Real-Time Workshop v.v (R2007a), there are 2 methods to port generated code. Both require a lot of manual copying and extracting information from the makefile. Either the MATLAB file hierachy must be maintained and the generated makefile can be used with minor modifications, or the files must be copied, and some information form the makefile must be extracted. Both methods are summarized below.
%%%METHOD 1: Maintaining the MATLAB hierarchy
Note: "Host PC" refers to the PC running MATLAB, while "Target PC" refers to
the PC that the code will be compiled on (without MATLAB installed)
1) Generate code for the model on the Host PC
2) Copy the entire build dir (usually called model_ert_rtw) to the Target PC For example (rtwdemo_counter is the model):
Host PC: C:\myproject\rtwdemo_counter_ert_rtw
Target PC: C:\my_target_port\rtwdemo_counter_ert_rtw
3) Copy the entire slprj dir to the Target PC:
Host PC: C:\myproject\slprj\...
Target PC: C:\my_target_port\slprj\...
4) Open the generated makefile (the .mk file) and look for the definition of
MATLAB_INCLUDES. There will be several directories listed similar to these:
All of these directories must be copied from the Host PC to the Target PC, maintaining the relative path hierarchy. On the Target PC, a directory should be created for these directories. For example create this directory on the Target PC:
assuming MATLAB is installed on the Host PC here:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB71
Then the directories listed in the makefile should be copied:
Host PC: C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\rtw\c\ert
Target PC: C:\my_target_port\MATLAB_files\rtw\c\ert
Host PC: C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\extern\include
Target PC: C:\my_target_port\MATLAB_files\extern\include
Host PC: C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\simulink\include
Target PC: C:\my_target_port\MATLAB_files\simulink\include
5) Step 4 must be repeated for build rules that contain $(MATLAB_ROOT) in them. For example, if this rule appears (this is from an MSVC build):
Then the source files in that directory should be copied
6) Copy from the Host PC to the Target PC:
Host PC: C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\rtw\c\tools\
Target PC: C:\my_target_port\MATLAB_files\rtw\c\tools\
7) In the makefile (.mk file) on the Target PC, change the definition of MATLAB_ROOT and ALT_MATLAB_ROOT MATLAB_BIN and ALT_MATLABBIN to the location on the Target PC:
Host PC:
MATLAB_ROOT = C:\Program Files\MATLAB71
MATLAB_BIN = C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\bin\win32
Target PC:
MATLAB_ROOT = C:\my_target_port\MATLAB_files
ALT_MATLAB_ROOT = C:\my_target_port\MATLAB_files
MATLAB_BIN = C:\my_target_port\MATLAB_files\bin\win32
ALT_MATLAB_BIN = C:\my_target_port\MATLAB_files\bin\win32
8) In the additional includes area of the makefile, the start dir and build dir should be updated to the location on the Target PC (example with rtwdemo_counter model shown here):
Host PC:
Target PC:
9) On the Target PC the environment must be set up for MSVC. TMSVC ususally
installs a batch file called vcvars32.bat (or similar). run this on the Target PC.
10) In the generated BAT file(the model .bat file), copy the line that starts with
'nmake -f...' into a DOS cmd shell that is in the Target PC build directory
%%%METHOD 2: Copying the sources to the Target PC
Note: in this method all files can be coipied to the same directory
1) Generate code for the model on the Host PC
2) Copy the entire build dir (usually called model_ert_rtw) to the Target PC For example (rtwdemo_counter is the model):
Host PC: C:\myproject\rtwdemo_counter_ert_rtw
Target PC: C:\my_target_port\
3) Copy the entire slprj dir to the Target PC:
Host PC: C:\myproject\slprj\...
Target PC: C:\my_target_port\
Steps 4 and 5 are the same as for Method 1, except all files can go into the
same target dir.
4) In the generated makefile (the model .mak file) the defines must be extracted:
First look for the definition of CPP_REQ_DEFINEs. It should look similar to this:
For each make var that looks similar to "$(...)" the value most be searched for in the makefile. Most, if not all of them will be near the beginning of the makefile and look similar to this:
These must be expanded and put into a temporary text buffer. So the final defines will look similar to this:
Additionally, if External mode is used, then the "-D" definitions in the
external mode section of the makefile must be copied as well.
5) The defines obtained in step 4 must either be put on the compile line (if a custom makefile is being created), or they must be imported into the IDE.
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