MATLAB: How to define separate includes for legacy and non-legacy code when generating code

simulink coder

I am currently working on a custom target file in order to separate my includes into legacy includes and non-legacy includes such that I can manage them separately. What is the best way to do this?

Best Answer

The best approach to this workflow is to create a custom target file which includes a set of rtwoptions allowing the separate specification of standard includes and legacy code includes. This can then be linked to a custom TMF variable which can be used appropriately in the code. You can find a general summary of this workflow in our documentation using the link below:
A summary of the steps which need to be taken are shown below:
1) Define an element in the 'rtwoptions' file to capture the location of the directory
rtwoptions(2).prompt         = 'Custom Legacy Code Directory';
rtwoptions(2).type           = 'Edit';
rtwoptions(2).enable         = 'on'; 
rtwoptions(2).default        =  'C:\LegacyCodeInc';  
rtwoptions(2).popupstrings  = '';
rtwoptions(2).tlcvariable   = 'CustomLegacyCodeDir';
rtwoptions(2).tooltip       = '';
rtwoptions(2).callback      = '';
rtwoptions(2).opencallback  = '';
rtwoptions(2).closecallback = '';
rtwoptions(2).makevariable  = 'CUSTOM_LEGACY_CODE_DIR';
2) Modify your TMF in order to expand the CUSTOM_LEGACY_CODE_DIR makevariable
# Additional file include paths
!if "$(SHARED_SRC_DIR)" != ""
After expansion, the code above will appear as the following
# Additional file include paths
MATLAB_INCLUDES = $(MATLAB_INCLUDES);$(START_DIR)\bouncing_ball02302873_legacy_include_rtw
MATLAB_INCLUDES = $(MATLAB_INCLUDES);$(MATLAB_ROOT)\toolbox\physmod\common\foundation\core\c
!if "$(SHARED_SRC_DIR)" != ""