MATLAB: How to keep the coordinates of a graph’s nodes unchanged after removing a specific edge

graph theorynodesundirected graph

I'm using the following built in function:
Tf=rmedge(G,edge); %Variable edge here is chosen randomly.
to remove an edge (link) from a graph. How can I keep the coordinates of G's nodes unchanged after removing that link?
Kindly see the attached two pictures to have a better visualization of what I'm looking for.(I'm removing the link between nodes 4 and 6).
Many thanks!

Best Answer

You can use the XData and YData property of the graphPlot object to fix their position. Check the following example
G = digraph(1,2:5);
G = addedge(G,2,6:15);
G = addedge(G,15,16:20);
Gh = plot(G);
x = Gh.XData;
y = Gh.YData;
rand_edge = randi([1 10]);
G_new = rmedge(G, rand_edge);
Gh_new1 = plot(G_new); % changed position of the removed node
Gh_new2 = plot(G_new, 'XData', x, 'YData', y); % edge removed but nodes at same position