MATLAB: Question on using addedge()


How do we use addedge to assign weights to a graph containing edges with multiple edge weigths(Value1 and Value2, in my example)?
tail = [1 2 3 4];
head = [2 3 4 5];
G = graph(tail,head)
G.Edges.Value1 = ones(4,1)
G.Edges.Value2 = zeros(4,1)
G = addedge(G,5,6,1) %I want to assign 1 to Value1 to the new edge created between nodes 5,6
I obtain the following error.
Error using graph/addedge (line 139)
Unable to add weighted edges to an unweighted graph.
Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Do you mean:
G = addedge(G,5,6)
G.Edges.Value1 = ones(5,1)
T = table(1, 0, 'VariableNames', {'Value1', 'Value2'});
G = addedge(G, 5, 6, T)