MATLAB: How to Join Tables in report generator

join tablesMATLABMATLAB Report Generatormlreportgen.domreport generatortable

If the code goes like this:
import mlreportgen.dom.*
tablecontent1 = { ... };
table1 = Table(tablecontent1);
tablecontent2 = { ... };
table2 = Table(tablecontent2);
Assuming 2 tables have same colomn number and definitively can adjust some other properties.
How can join them into one single table?

Best Answer

Hi John,
You can combine the cell array content and then create the DOM Table:
import mlreportgen.dom.*
tablecontent1 = { ... };
tablecontent2 = { ... };
% Combine the table content cell arrays and then create DOM Table
tableContent = [tablecontent1; tablecontent2];
table = Table(tableContent);