MATLAB: How tonsert a CSV filename into the array

data preparation

Need help with preparing data.
I'm creating an array by appending 500 csv files of daily stock data (varying rows), each with 7-columns using with code below.
How can I create an 8th column with the filename (or just part of the filename) so I can later identify which file belongs with which rows of data?
for i=1:length(files);

Best Answer

You cannot. csvread() only reads numeric data, so your arrays would be numeric. You cannot store character strings in numeric arrays.
  • You can create separate variables.
  • You can switch to a cell array -- num2cell() the numeric data and then horzcat() on the cell array of strings
  • You can use array2table() to convert to a table() data structure and then add the file names as a column of that.