MATLAB: How to plot data from .AT2 file in matlab appdesigner? In this code the entire data is coming in one row.What should I do to import the data in appdesigner in different rows and columns

appdesignerMATLABplot data from text file

[filename , pathname] = uigetfile({'*.AT2'}, 'File Selector'); app.Label.Text = filename; app.Label2.Text = pathname; fullpathname = strcat(pathname,filename); app.Label3.Text = fullpathname; a = fileread(fullpathname);

Best Answer

fileread() reads the content of the file as text. You cannot directly plot it. If you want to read data in numeric form then use readtable() or textscan(). Which commands best suits you depends on the formatting of data inside the file. If you have any further confusion about which function to use, please attach your data file.