MATLAB: How to improve the quality of a Figure Snapshot when creating a PDF with Report Generator

MATLAB Report Generator

The defaults for a Figure Snapshot do not produce an adequate enough image for my needs. I would like to increase its resolution and clarity.

Best Answer

Three options exist for increasing the resolution of figures published in reports:
1) In the MATLAB Report Generator the “Figure Snapshot” component effectively uses the functionality of an “Eval” component and an “Image” component. So the “Figure Snapshot” component can be replaced by an “Eval” and an “Image” where the “Eval” prints the figure to a file and the “Image” places the file image into the report. Within the “Eval” component the figure is written to a file with the PRINT command as:
where the number after the “-r” specifies the desired resolution. The “Image” component can then read in the PNG file that is created as “tempimageeval.png”.
2) To make the figure resolution on the published report the same as the resolution on screen, check the checkbox next to 'Capture Figure from Screen' under the drop-down menu where you choose the image file format for the “Figure Snapshot” component.
3) It is possible to increase the figure's resolution when generating a PDF by increasing the print size while maintaining the display size. In the “Figure Snapshot” follow the steps below:
a. Set the Print Options', image size to something large, like 10x10 inches.
b. Set the Display Options to the desired image size.
Note when using this option, the text size on the figure will be scaled down and may become hard to read in the published report.