MATLAB: How to insert a figure into a report

figuresMATLAB Report Generatorreport generator

I'm trying to use the report generator and automatically build a PDF report. For that, I've been following the object oriented approach, and created a template with holes plus corresponding classes derived from mlreportgen.dom.Document and mlreportgen.dom.DocumentPart. Some of the holes i'd like to fill should receive figures with graphs or small images. However, in my report, I only find [1×1] insted of the figures.
function fillsignalHeatmap(chapter)
f = figure();
MHeatMap.DrawHeatMap('Data', chapter.ResultSet.Results, 'Parent', f); %renders a heatmap to a given figure
chapter.append(; % chapter is derived from mlreportgen.dom.DocumentPart
What am I doing wrong here?
Cheers, Gebhard

Best Answer

You can't append a high level "report" element ( to a low level "dom" element ( mlreportgen.dom.DocumentPart).
Either create an and add() the Figure to that OR print the figure to an image and append() the mlreportgen.dom.Image to the DocumentPart. I'd typically recommend the former.