MATLAB: How to implement a zero-sized or empty signal in Simulink


I want to achieve the following functionality in Simulink:
>> a = [1 2]; % Non-empty array
>> b = []; % Empty array
>> c = [a;b]; % Successful concatenation
To achieve this, I need a way to represent a zero-sized signal or empty array. How can I do this today?
Workaround (from R2010b) is given here:
However, I want to know if there is an official way to represent a zero-sized signal or empty array.

Best Answer

It is certainly possible to have a 'zero-sized' or "empty" signal in Simulink. The documentation on Variable-Size Signal Basics:
gives specifications on when empty signals may not be used, i.e. in blocks which modify signal dimensions. 
The attached sample models demonstrate the implementation of such signals.