MATLAB: Camera toolbar Reset button


Why is the Reset button of the cameratoolbar changing the proportions and aspect ration of my axes? It is converting it to a cube.
>> mesh(peaks(20))
>> cameratoolbar
>> pbaspect([2 .5 1])

Best Answer

The Reset button of the camera toolbar resets the axes to the structure they had when the "cameratoolbar" function was originally called. To keep your aspect ratio, simply call the "cameratoolbar" after "pbaspect".
>> mesh(peaks(20))
>> pbaspect([2 .5 1])
>> cameratoolbar
Note: The Reset button looks at the axes structure at the time of the FIRST call of "cameratoolbar". Executing:
>> mesh(peaks(20))
>> cameratoolbar
>> pbaspect([2 .5 1])
>> cameratoolbar
will still result in the axes changing to a cube again because the first call comes before the aspect ratio was changed.