MATLAB: How to hide a script so that it is not callable any more


What I want to do:
To have my most used scripts and functions well organized, I put them into different folders, which I then add to my path using a small script which just takes the folder name. Now I also want to give these module-like folders the possibility to do some initialization procedures. This is done by the path-adding script, which also looks for an ''init.m'' file and runs it with ''run(/path/to/folder/init.m)'.
Now I would like to hide that ''init.m'', so that it doesn't clutter my global namespace and possibly other init scripts. Still I need everything else in this folder. I tried simply naming it ''__init__.m'' (guess where I got this organization idea from…), a very unusual name which would probably not be used accidentally in other places; but starting script names with an underscore seems to be illegal in Matlab.

Best Answer

Any method, which hides the function, make it unaccessible - according to the definition of "hiding".
Another strategy is to collect the init files with individual names in a separate folder:
Now only MFiles\inits\ is stored persistently in the path and Running init_MyToolboxA adds the folders of the toolbox "A" and performs any individual initializations.
On the other hand having an init.m in each folder is not too bad. E.g. Matlab stores a "Contents.m" in each folder also without causing troubles or confusions. You find multiple "prefspanel.m" also.