MATLAB: Is there a term for “thepack.the​subpack.the​Fcn”

MATLABnomenclaturequalified nameterm

Please give me a term for the text string, which is used to invoke a function. Before package folders were introduced function name or when context allowed name were good unambiguous terms.
For example, consider this package function: +mypack\+mysubpack\myFcn.m. The function name is myFcn, but to invoke the function mypack.mysubpack.myFcn is required. I cannot think of a better term than full function name.
In the documentation I didn't find anything better than Packages Create Namespaces
Referencing Package Members from Outside the Package
Functions, classes, and other packages contained in a package are scoped to that
package. To reference any of the package members, prefix the package name to the
member name, separated by a dot.

Best Answer

I would probably go by analogy with DNS, and refer to "function name", "qualified function name", and "fully qualified function name"