MATLAB: How to have the MATLAB Notebook document open the most recent version of MATLAB installed on the computer


When I have two versions of MATLAB installed on my system, and I try to open an MATLAB Notebook document created in the older of the two versions, the older version of MATLAB is instantiated.

Best Answer

To have a particular version of MATLAB start when you open a MATLAB Notebook document, execute the command
in the version of MATLAB that you wish to use.
If this does not resolve the issue, then follow the steps outlined below:
1. In Windows, search for all files named
2. Except for the file located in $MATLABROOT\notebook\pc (where $MATLABROOT is the MATLAB root directory on your machine, as returned by typing "matlabroot" in the command prompt), delete all other occurrences of Note: since there may be more than one version of MATLAB installed on your machine, ensure that you do not delete the file from any of the MATLAB installation directories, as you will then need to reinstall MATLAB to recover the files.
3. Start the version of MATLAB that you want to open when you double-click on a MATLAB Notebook document file.
4. Execute the following command: