MATLAB: Do I receive an error message when evaluating a selection using the MATLAB 7.1 (R14SP3) Notebook


When I try to evaluate a MATLAB Notebook document, I get an error dialog box stating:
The remote data (Engine) is not accesible. Do you want to start the application MATLAB?
If I click on "Yes", MATLAB starts up, but the Notebook still does not execute. If I command it to evaluate again, then I get exactly the same error message and clicking on "Yes" just runs up another instance of MATLAB.

Best Answer

The following situations cause problems with NOTEBOOK:
A. A prior version of MATLAB software is still registered as the automation server. To register the current version of MATLAB as the automation server, follow these steps:
1. Determine the directory in which MATLAB is installed by running matlabroot from the MATLAB Command Window. MATLAB returns, for example, C:\Applications\matlab\.
2. In a DOS command window, Navigate to the bin directory of matlabroot. Using the previous example, navigate to C:\Applications\matlab\bin, and then type matlab -regserver. MATLAB starts in nodesktop mode.
3. Close MATLAB. In Notebook, evaluate a cell or M-book. MATLAB should start without presenting an error dialog box.
B. The current version of Notebook is not installed. To use the current version of Notebook:
1. Start MATLAB.
2. In the Command Window, type notebook -setup.
3. Close MATLAB. In Notebook, evaluate a cell or MATLAB Notebook document. MATLAB should start without presenting an error dialog box.